Dance Thank You's

Dance Thank You: Dancing in The Streets of Saigon

Thank you for the continued support. These donations moved me particularly, as they are selfless birthday celebrations in honor of others. Wendy turned 60 this year, and rather than ask for presents, she gave 60 friends each $60 to spend on charities of their choice. Wendy’s friend Marjon paid forward Wendy’s birthday gift, and then some, to 30 by 30. Cathy celebrated her birthday by paying forward her love for reading and passion for equal access to education, in honor of her daughter and daughter’s freshman year roommate (yours truly).

Thank you Wendy, Marjon, and Cathy. The world is a beautiful place, and you are beautiful people.

I would say let’s make it to 10,000 dollars – 40 girls – we are just $730 short, but why limit ourselves? why limit girls? As many as we can by 30. One month to go.

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